





近日,一位德国门窗专家公开指出,目前中国国内99%的空气净化器无法解决室内环境问题,多数购置了净化器的中国家庭依然面对着室内PM2.5爆表、内循环空气变糟等空气危害。此观点一出,一片哗然,引发了民众的恐慌和行业的激烈讨论。 Recently, a German doors and Windows, experts said publicly at present 99% of China's domestic air purifier can't solve the problem of indoor environment, most purchased purifier Chinese families still face the indoor PM2.5 extraordinary, such as inner loop air worse air damage. The idea was an uproar, sparking panic and debate in the industry. 家,难道不是防霾的避风港吗? Isn't it a safe haven, home? 近些年来,生活在北方城市的人们 “谈霾色变”,进入2015年冬季后,北京更是连续发布多次霾预警。从社会到家庭,雾霾的危害已成为一种常识性认知。然而,治霾是一个漫长的过程,如何在现阶段把空气危害降到最低,是广大民众普遍关注的实质性问题。 In recent years, people living in northern cities have been "talking about smog" and in the winter of 2015, Beijing has issued multiple alerts for smog. From society to family, the danger of smog has become a common sense. However, the treatment of smog is a long process, and how to minimize air damage at this stage is a substantive issue that the general public is concerned about. 目前,回答这个问题的答案是近年来的市场宠儿——空气净化器。 For now, the answer to that question is the market darling of recent years -- air purifiers. 为了让自己的家成为不受雾霾侵害的净土,众多家庭纷纷购置净化器,他们希望最低限度也要能够在家中自由自在的呼吸。但是在德国专家眼中,这种希望正在变成一种奢望,99%的空气净化器无法阻止室内空气变差的状况,甚至是PM2.5的脚步。 In order to make their homes from the haze of the pure land, many family have purchased purifier, they hope the minimum also to be able to free breathing at home. But in the eyes of German experts, the hope is becoming a kind of hope, and 99% of the air purifier cannot prevent the indoor air becomes poor, and even the footsteps of PM2.5. 德国专家认为,问题并不出在净化器身上,而是居住环境的影响。 German experts say the problem is not the purifier, but the living environment.


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