





The commercial air purifier is generally suitable for offices, conference halls, some hospitals, classrooms and other places. There are many people in these areas, and the fungi and viruses in the air are spreading fast. Therefore, UV ultraviolet light is additionally set for the purifier to reduce the bacteria and viruses in the office and other places with more people.
In addition, in order to facilitate the office workers to move the air purifier, the air purifier is provided with casters, which can be easily moved to the appropriate position by simply pushing the purifier. In addition to the two points mentioned above, the air purifier also has many functions suitable for business occasions. As for the user's question "what's the difference between the commercial air purifier and the household air purifier", in the commercial situation, people's requirements for air quality and the ease of use of the product will be much higher than that of the household air purifier. Therefore, no matter from the functional point of view or from the convenience point of view of the product, many commercial air purifiers will compare with the household air purifier. Better.
显而易见的,商用空气净化定州苗木 保定通风管道 丝网立柱模具 尼龙输送带 保定防水 保定空压机 高碑店养老院器必然也是适用于家庭环境的。只是由于商用空气净化器的各方面性能较优异,其价格也会相对较高一些,在部分家庭环境中,适用家用空气净化器已然绰绰有余,没有必要花费更昂贵的价格去选择商用空气净化器。
Obviously, the commercial air purifier is also suitable for the family environment. Only because the commercial air purifier has excellent performance in all aspects, its price will be relatively higher. In some home environments, it is more than enough to apply the domestic air purifier, so there is no need to spend more expensive price to choose the commercial air purifie


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