甲醛会持续不断的挥发 |
添加时间:2022/9/17 14:36:29 浏览次数:3 |
甲醛会持续不断的挥发,排放时间可达3-15年,所以新房通风三个月入住仍有甲醛威胁 3. Formaldehyde will continue to volatilize for 3-15 years, so there is still a threat of formaldehyde when new houses are ventilated for three months. 4. 甲醛的密度大于空阳雕刻 水刀切割机 pvc软管 手套生产设备 保定平面设计培训 保定室内设计培训 果树反光膜气,0.8-1m以下的空间甲醛含量最多,所以小孩子更容易受到甲醛的影响。 4. The density of formaldehyde is higher than that of air, and the space below 0.8-1 m contains the most formaldehyde, so children are more susceptible to the influence of formaldehyde. 5. 甲醛的沸点为-19.5℃,温度越高甲醛越挥发的越多。 5. The boiling point of formaldehyde is - 19.5 C. The higher the temperature, the more volatile the formaldehyde is. 6. 柚子皮、食醋、绿植只从味觉覆盖,净化甲醛的能力几乎为0。 6. Grapefruit peel, vinegar and green plants are covered only by taste, and the ability to purify formaldehyde is almost zero. 7. 活性炭虽能净化甲醛,若不能及时更换,后期还会释放出来。 7. Activated carbon can purify formaldehyde, if it can not be replaced in time, it will be released later. 8. 大部分的空气净化器只能过滤直径较大的颗粒物,对于甲醛这种小分子无法实现净化。 8. Most air purifiers can only filter particles with larger diameter, but formaldehyde, a small molecule, can not be purified |
上一页 静电除尘净化技术是通过高压产生电离 |
下一页 定期养护和更换耗材是非常重要的 |
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